Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Somethings Gotta Give....

I asked my mom to take a pre-surgery picture of Dad for the blog..... I was thinking something like Dad dressed down in his gown, cozy in his hospital bed with a big Jack Nicholson grin......

Instead, I got the Jack Nicholson butt.  Enjoy.

I guess Somethings Gotta Give....  :-)


  1. Hey ,reminds me , I lost a set of keys over there,Can you reach um Cliff?No - Butt - seriously.You crack me up . Wait do you have a W on each cheek to go with that O in the middle , Flick of the Bic sir ,Hairy isn't it,What did you expect , feathers,lQQks like one flew over the cucooz nest again..Oh wait mam it's time for your suppository ,Hold that thought , Reminds me at this time of year a turkey neck aint all that badd,Got the wish bone??Hazzah He's up ! Love Jim Hamintin...P S , Hey doc , check the oil while your down there....!;^) -God bless a man with a sence of Humor , and not an ounce of pride.Arize oh Dairyair!!!P S , How many ears of corn would you like ? ? ?Whos your Barber , two square cuttz - -OMG , Finally a smile - -Oh this is ripe. .STOP IT JIM - -Stop it now,O K Love HaMBonZ

  2. OMG! I can't believe I saw Uncle Cliff's butt! Hilarious! I'm sure he's probably seen mine at one point though! So happy to hear the surgery went well. When are we going to all get together for a reunion? Make it happen Danielle!

    Love ya ~ Lisa

  3. Appears he needs more corrective surgery. The left cheek is saggging. Or maybe just a turnbuckle. GODSPEED ON YOUR RECOVERY MY FRIEND. tom

  4. Do these new parts in the heart mean your not going to be eating STEAK any more.
    Glad to see your doing well. Praying for a speedy recovery.
    Warm wishes (83 degrees here today)
    Scott & Karen

  5. Hey Cliff, Danny and Billy said you have a nice "ass." LOL
